Five Tips for Improving Energy Efficiency in Your Office Space

As energy bills and other prices skyrocket, it’s important to do what’s possible to conserve energy. This is especially true in the office space where things are typically on a much larger scale than they are in a family home. To help you manage your office finances better, we’ve put together a list of five […]
Four Steps for Remodeling Your Commercial Space

Remodeling a commercial space can be a very exciting time for your business. However, it’s important to get things right or you could be putting your venture in great danger. Getting things wrong can lead to costly delays which could ultimately sink your business. In this post, we go over four steps for remodeling your […]
Top Energy Efficient Design Ideas for Office Renovations

An energy efficient office is far more likely to be profitable. If you can reduce your office energy expenditures by 50% or more, consider what that would do for your bottom line. If you’re planning an update and looking for the top energy efficient design ideas for office renovations, you’ve come to the right place. […]
How to Prepare for Commercial Plumbing in Spring

After coming out of the depths of winter, spring is a good time to inspect and repair any commercial plumbing problems that have been created by the harsh weather. By taking care of the job early in the spring, you can avoid summer plumbing contractor backlogs while resting easily knowing that you shouldn’t have to […]
How To Choose the Best Commercial Contractor

Undertaking commercial construction is a costly and time-consuming proposition. Having a reliable commercial contractor on your side will help ensure you don’t run over time or over budget. To help you decide how to choose the best commercial contractor, we’ve put together this list of things to keep in mind. Review Their Portfolio Knowing that […]
Top Considerations for a Commercial Construction Project

Modern-day commercial construction should be informed by current events, trends in society and care for the environment. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and energy efficiency are all things that should be accounted for in the planning, design and construction process. Here are the top considerations for a commercial construction project in the 21rst century. Air […]
Four Office Renovations That Boost Productivity

As a business owner, you should always be looking for ways to increase the company’s productivity. Working smarter rather than harder will benefit both your bottom line and your employee’s morale. Bigger profits and happier workers can only lead to greater success. When it comes time to renovate, you should be looking for productivity improvements […]
How Winter Weather Can Affect Commercial Construction

The old joke about Canada is that there are two seasons: winter and construction. But the fact is that construction doesn’t have to be limited to the warmer months. While it’s possible to achieve most types of commercial construction goals all year round, winter construction poses some challenges that require a bit more time and […]
Five Ideas for Decorating Your Office Space for the Holidays

The holiday season can be stressful for a lot of reasons. Poor weather, busier commutes, added shopping responsibilities and ironing out social schedules can all take their toll on every employee. Decorating the office can help add a bit of festive cheer that can go a long way into getting people in the mood to […]
Five Budget Friendly Ideas for Commercial Renovation

It’s always nice to have a fresh, clean and updated commercial space. But unfortunately, budgetary constraints usually limit what can be reasonably done. If your business is in serious need of a refreshment but the money is tight, we’ve put together this list of five budget friendly ideas for commercial renovation. Determine The Wants Versus […]