Are office renovations worth the investment?

If you’re a business owner in Toronto, you might wonder if office renovations are worth the investment. The answer is a resounding yes! A well-designed office can increase productivity among employees. By creating a comfortable, inviting, and functional space, you can encourage your employees to work harder and more efficiently. For example, you can incorporate […]
Unlock the Potential of Your Office Space

Are you tired of walking into the same boring office day in and day out? Are you ready to revamp your space and unlock its full potential? Look no further than a professional office renovation with professional project management. Improve Productivity with a New Office Space Not only does an office remodel to bring new […]
Eight Key Factors to Know Before You Renovate

Renovating a home or business can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it’s important to know the main sticking points before starting the project. With careful planning and consideration, you can ensure a successful outcome that meets your goals and budget. Here are eight key factors to know before you renovate. Budget Renovations can […]
What are the Top Recommended Office Colours When Remodeling?

It may not be common knowledge, but the colours you use to decorate your office could affect productivity. While you may be stuck with the existing colours for now, you might consider switching things up during your next renovation. If you’re wondering what are the top recommended office colours when remodelling, we’ve put together this […]
The Pros And Cons Of Using Fly Ash In Concrete For Renovations

If you’re not in the concrete industry, you may have never heard of fly ash before. For the layperson, fly ash is a byproduct of coal burning that is often used as an additive when mixing concrete. The pros and cons of using fly ash in concrete for renovations are many and there are varying […]
Four Colours That Are Recommended For Office Spaces

Every business owner is constantly trying to improve productivity. And while a lot of time and resources seem to be spent on consultants, training and corporate retreats, there’s something that’s literally in the background that you shouldn’t be ignoring. That something is the colour of your office. It may seem like an inconsequential factor, but […]
Four Tips for Planning Commercial Office Remodel

Pulling off a successful commercial office remodeling job requires more than just an idea and a bank account full of cash. To get what you want in the timeframe in which you want it done, there are several things to keep in mind. To help your project meet your goals, we’ve put together a list […]
How To Choose Commercial Lighting For An Office

Office lighting is often overlooked, but it plays an oversized role in how your office functions. Getting it wrong can reduce productivity, increase employee absence and make your office an unpleasant place to be. To help ensure your workplace remains a productive and enjoyable environment, we’ve put together this list of tips for how to […]
Top Office Renovation Trends

Office renovations have historically followed a conservative path with innovations occurring slowly and carefully. However, a worldwide pandemic has severely changed the way we look at office work. And this has necessarily altered how renovations are contemplated by both contractors and clients. In this post, we’ll look at the top office renovation trends in a […]
Five Tips for Improving Energy Efficiency in Your Office Space

As energy bills and other prices skyrocket, it’s important to do what’s possible to conserve energy. This is especially true in the office space where things are typically on a much larger scale than they are in a family home. To help you manage your office finances better, we’ve put together a list of five […]